Roger Hayes

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Smithills Learn more

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Congratulations Bolton At Home

by rogerhayes on 26 July, 2014

I must congratulate officers of Bolton At Home for their swift action in one recent case.

Residents of the bungalows on Moss Bank Way (Johnson Fold) complained to me about the mass of long grass and weeds in front of their homes. This was in the space between a wall and fencing erected several years ago. As well as looking a mess, it was likely that seeds would spread to the mostly very tidy gardens the residents have.

Within a very short time of my raising this problem with Bolton At Home they were making arrangements for the weeds and grass to be treated with weedkiller. When that has had the desired effect, the area will be strimmed.        Weeds Moss Bank Way bungalows 1 small

Longer term, Bolton At Home are planning to move the fencing next to the wall and widen the path in front of the bungalows. As well as preventing the problem arising in future years, this will make it easier for the several residents with mobility scooters to get about.

Well done Bolton At Home!

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