Liberal Democrat Councillor for Smithills Learn more
by rogerhayes on 28 October, 2009
At it’s October meeting Bolton Council supported a Liberal Democrat Motion which criticised Conservative promises made at their party Conference to remove controls put over bus operators by the recent Local Transport Act.
The previous Conservative Government brought in deregulation of buses (except in London where their routes, performance and fares could be controlled). Even most Conservatives involved in transport now accept that was a massive mistake, which has led to a poorer deal for the public, higher fares and increased profits for the bus companies.
When it was elected in 1997 Labour had promised to re introduce regulation, but only got round to doing anything recently through the Local Ttransport Act. We believe that Act did not go far enough, but at least it made some move towards undoing some of the worst effects of deregulation.
The Conservative promise to repeal parts of that Act, particularly the part allowing “Quality Contracts” would remove one of the only parts of the Act having any teeth, and is opposed by virtually all politicians who know anything about public transport, including many prominent Conservatives.
Our Motion was supported by all Labour Councillors. The Conservatives were hopelessly split three ways – about half supported us, the rest either voted against or abstained.
If the Conservatives are ever in a position to implement this policy it will lead to a further deterioration of public transport.
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